Nov 27, 2010


It’s too late; you’ve become a haze, a forgotten memory, the ashes of a burnt piece of timber.
Your smile, your touch, your face. A far-fetched comfort. Nostalgic tripe.
You brought life to lifelessness, you brought everything to nothingness, you brought ecstasy to sadness, you were my shelter from the harsh rain…… But honey! It ain’t raining anymore.
You’re the unread chapter of my existence, the pastime of monstrosity, leftovers of indulgence. Your death is as meaningless as your life.
Walk away; turn your back on me. Go on, walk.
Why do your tears suddenly seem so pathetic? Why do you suddenly seem so ugly?
Call me names. Yes, abuse me, insult me, curse me, but your moist eyes will always plead me, your loneliness will always remember me and your pain, a pain, so unbearable, that you fall on your blood stained knees and beg for mercy, but only to face an empty sky...

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